Tingue's Management Team Attends Program at Duke University

(August, 2022) Tingue’s management team attended a week-long executive education program at Duke University’s, Fuqua School of Business earning a certificate in finance. The Duke program is designed to introduce participants to the essential elements of financial reporting, including managerial and financial accounting. Additional topics include, interpreting financial statements and developing capabilities to communicate operating, marketing, sales, and growth strategies in financial terms.

CEO, David Tingue shared: “Our management team has historically been strong in operations management and in sales management. As I look ahead, I believe our managers will best serve both Tingue, Brown & Co., and their customers if they combine this expertise with strong financial competence as well. To that end, we turned to Duke University to help raise the financial understanding and aptitude of four of our company leaders: David Rovetto, Regional Sales Manager; Jamie Bridge, Regional Sales Manager; Chris Melchionni, Regional Sales Manager; and Patrick Robertson, VP of Operations”, pictured right.

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